joi, 26 iulie 2012


Back to square one! My first article on the blog was about how we create another world - an illusion - and we choose to live with it like it's reality. Dr. House says: "The eyes can mislead, the smile can lie, but the shoes always tell the truth." I am not very sure about the last part of his statement, but the first part, oh well, I tested it, and he's right. Of course! Eyes can mislead. Smile can lie. It's only because we are humans and we don't want to let the others around us see inside. One of my favorite topics ever is about limits and boundaries. I really think that as humans we are all alone. I am not talking about friends and families and groups. Bottom line is everyone is alone. Reality will catch us off guard. When least expected, you're alone. So, I only find it fair to have eyes that mislead and smiles that lie. I am rambling incoherent. No surprise after 48 h with maybe less than 10 h of sleep and 1 bottle of energy drink plus some coke. I will try to be more clear, reality will determine our decisions. Inevitably, there will be good decisions and bad decisions as well. And it ALL depends on this reality. What if after deliberating for a while you make a decision based on the reality you perceive and you realize that the reality is completely different? Life is not math, there are no constants. There is no objectivity. Let's be serious. Even when we say that we are objective, we are not, cas we are going to base our decision on the reality that we believe it's reality. Did I manage to make myself clear? Let me put it some other way: Depending on how we choose to face reality - we are going to be winners or losers.

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