vineri, 8 iulie 2016

Set me free

You know that feeling when you can barely breath because the walls are closing in on you? We cling to things or people and we hold so tight that at some point when it's high time to let go ... you can't imagine life without that thing or person. Even worse, you can't imagine your life before. It's just an illusion. I've been in this place and I thought that life will cease or won't follow its course if I let go. But guess what? The humans of this Blue Planet, with their feelings and insignificant, irrational (if you don't mind me saying) fears, are so bad at choosing people who could really make a difference when let go. What I've been trying to convince my self lately is that I am a rational person and that I cannot mingle in the sentiments' world. Who was I trying to fool? It's part of the experience - to feel. Otherwise is just a theory. Like in the AA meetings, first you have to admit the issue before finding the solution. For me this was the first step to be set free. Free from the feelings tying me to someone. Finally. Best part of all is that now I know. It's not in vain what they say ... that experience it's a great teacher. Now I'm not afraid of walking past the line and just trying to live the life I am supposed to live. The life I was supposed to be living for a while now. I have some catching up to do. I think I will do just fine. Breathing ... is not an issue anymore.