joi, 16 august 2012

Fear of mediocrity

I just realized I am afraid of mediocrity!!! My entire life I've been dreaming to do something great, I've always wanted to rise above the middle class and reach for more! I cannot accept that this is all life has to offer. I must fight to get there - there where my dreams can take me. I've been talking to someone one of these days about Romanians and their lack of spine. It's true! It must be genetic or something, cas we would rather make compromises than fight for what we truly believe in. We would rather accept less than fight for more. Well, I've always hated that in us. I don't want to settle for a regular, mediocre life. I don't want to wake up in the morning and go to a boring work and come home cook for my family and then go to sleep and that's it. I want to wake up in the morning and just to "hardly wait" to start the day for some exciting things!!! I don't want you to think I have a boring life - far from that. But I have the feeling that I am slowly slipping in routine and mediocrity. I don't have the time to read as much as I would like, I don't have the time to go to the theater or opera ... or just have smart conversations with people that really matter to me. The lack of time is caused by the unimportant stuff that clinches to our life! I want to become a prosecutor or a judge or just work in the organized crime department ... and I want to think this is possible. I want to have around me people who would not laugh of my dream but encourage me to pursue it. I know I can do this! I am maybe arrogant to think this, in a world where the corruption goes in all domains - but I really think I could do this! I want to do it! It's not that I am waiting for someone's acceptance. I'm all passed that point in my life. But, it just sucks to hear all the time: "Wake up ... you don't have what it takes to be a prosecutor/judge!" Whoever knows me ... knows that I do have what it takes. More than that, I do take challenges very personally. All in all, even though I am sure of what I want and of what I can do, I cannot help myself to doubt. Just a little bit! A second of doubt - a moment of fear: what if I am to be just mediocre?! Bottom line: I won't be an ordinary person because I have the right to be extraordinary!!!

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