vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012

Step 1

Here we go. I just want to make it clear from the beginning that this is a hard task for me to do. I have been trying to write this for a long time and each time I just couldn't put the thoughts into coherent phrases.

Step 1 is about admitting we are powerless over our addiction and that our lives have become unmanageable. Is is taken out from the Alcoholics Anonymous recovering therapy. But as far as anyone is concern alcohol is not the only addiction that we might come across. It's just one in a long row of dark addictions.

Even when there is no apparent addiction, admitting we are powerless is the first step into finding the right path. Maybe you're all wondering what I am talking about? Truth being told, every one of us is here with a purpose. We are not meant to just wonder on this earth and then when the time comes we will just die and rest for the eternity. It's because I believe in a Higher Power - that I think my life is not accidental. So, first step to find out why I am truly here for is admitting I am powerless.

I know - it's not very pleasant to admit this. Especially since we are all built with a self-protecting armor and we all want to be independent! But what I am suggesting has nothing to do with the fact of being independent or not. It's just that any addiction is in our way of finding our true self.

It only requires some courage to admit this and then you're on your track. So to set an example:

I am Camelia and I admit of being powerless over my addiction and my life has become unmanageable.

See, it's not that hard! It's just the way to take next step ...

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