I just wonder how come for some a fall is just a fall and nothing more - they stand up again and just walk further on like nothing happened, while for others a fall is like slipping on a toboggan and it just looks like they would never stop.
Well I guess we are different people with different tempers and personalities. There are these great people, with huge character and huge power, inspiring us with ever step they do. They seem to know exactly where to put their next step, even if they've never walked on that ground before. And then we just hear that they fell. For these kind of people the fall will always be a great one. Cas they are just not use to it. They are used to walk up on the mountains.
I was not use to the falling. I don't have the pretension of being a great person,I'm not. But I was used to get whatever I wanted, to fight for it if necessary. And from a while know I seem to have slipped and I am not able to stop and pick it up where I left it. I waiting to stop and take a deep breath, then stand up and walk further. I know it's not a process you get to make by yourself. But I have friends in high places!
For some people it's a roller coaster. Up and then down and then a little up and a little down. And Amen! You have the most important person you know in charge of the universe ;) Keep writing because I love reading them. They make me think.