vineri, 30 septembrie 2011

Bleah ...

I cannot think for a better word than this: "BLEAH!!!" People make me sick. Not all, some people make me sick. Some people annoy me with their stupid attitude "I'm the king of the hill!" Some people just disappoint me.

I guess I will never learn. I guess I am made from a material that cannot learn that PEOPLE DO DISAPPOINT YOU on a regular basis. Actually, I wish I were able to not trust everybody.

It happened to me recently ... someone I considered a decent person and it turned to be a greedy person and just let me down on so many levels that I can't even thought it would be possible. I guess the only good thing with me is that, even though I trust easily, once someone has betrayed my trust, it is done!!!

I am just an angry person right now!

duminică, 25 septembrie 2011


I just wonder how come for some a fall is just a fall and nothing more - they stand up again and just walk further on like nothing happened, while for others a fall is like slipping on a toboggan and it just looks like they would never stop.

Well I guess we are different people with different tempers and personalities. There are these great people, with huge character and huge power, inspiring us with ever step they do. They seem to know exactly where to put their next step, even if they've never walked on that ground before. And then we just hear that they fell. For these kind of people the fall will always be a great one. Cas they are just not use to it. They are used to walk up on the mountains.

I was not use to the falling. I don't have the pretension of being a great person,I'm not. But I was used to get whatever I wanted, to fight for it if necessary. And from a while know I seem to have slipped and I am not able to stop and pick it up where I left it. I waiting to stop and take a deep breath, then stand up and walk further. I know it's not a process you get to make by yourself. But I have friends in high places!

luni, 19 septembrie 2011

Wind of change

Change, as I mentioned many, many times, is inevitable! We almost every day find ourselves in the position of making a change in our lives. Small changes like the shampoo we're using or the route we're taking to work or maybe the movie genre. Sometimes, the change in our lives implies a little more attention, a little more time, some more input from our side. And every once in a while change is gonna take us by surprise!

These are the changes we hate, these are the changes that we are afraid of. Because we are afraid of change. We feel conformable in our zone. We don't need any alterations of our usual-perfectly-boring lives. Change - this is what puts us back in the game and, willingly or not, makes us fight back.

So, every time we feel that the "weather" is way too calm ... for the season, do not worry! From the blue sky, all of the sudden, unexpected there will be a wind of change. You don't want it, you can't stop it. But in the end ... it could just bring a fresh perspective into our lives! So, just bring it on! Whatever is to come ... I am not scared, it's probably for the best!