sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011


Remember when we were kids and we hated when our parents told us what to do? "You need to go to school." "You have to clean your room." "It is compulsory to do all your homework." so on so forth.

Remember what we were all thinking that precise moment?

"When I am older..." and our imagination had no limits. We thought that when we are older we can do whatever it pleased us. We could stay in bed all day long eating candies and watching cartoons or maybe stay outside with friends and play. Yeah... that is what we are gonna do! We won't care about all the advice the other grown-ups give us. We will DECIDE for ourselves!

And now, older being, we hate taking decisions. At least I do. Each and every time I need to take a decision I wish I were a kid and my dad told me what to do. But unfortunately there is no way I could leave a door open to blame someone else for my misfortunes. Being older sucks! We don't get to stay in bed all day 'cas we have work, we don't get to eat candies all the time 'cas we need to be careful with our health, we don't get to play with dolls and cars 'cas, well, it's stupid and so not suitable for a grown-up (at least that's what the wise men of our society tell us).

But what if ... ? What if we were kids again? What if someone else took the decisions for us? Would that make us happier? Wiser? Or just ... cowards? Growing up is hard. I've heard about it and still trying to figure it out. It definitely comes with lot of unexpected responsibilities, lot of unforeseen situations - in which, we want it or not, we need to take our own decisions!

Good or bad - that's up to us! We will need to take some chances! We will need to evaluate and DECIDE - in or out? Growing up - there is no place for WHAT IF...!

2 comentarii:

  1. Super.............it is so true that being an adult sucks. You have to make all the decisions even for the others, so that they can blame you for all their misfortunes/ mistakes. But, what if we give them options? What if we let them decide? On the other hand we are so happy when people come back to us being so thankful for helping/ forcing them to make the right decision. It's hard to be a dog............even harder to be a human being. I wish I were a kid again. But, I love being an adult as well........I know there is God that helps me, so......La vita e bella!
    Wonderful blog, Camelia!

  2. Hello kitty :)
    O sugestie: daca tot scrii si in engleza, de ce nu si in franceza? pupici
