duminică, 4 iulie 2010


There was a time when you realized that the most important thing to do is to find who you really are. And you started looking, and you went a long road until you begun to figure it out. In the beginning, the entire concept was somehow strange and weird. How come we do not know who we are in the first place? We were supposed to be the only ones who knew that ... but things seemed to be a little bit different than we thought.

So, we went on and on and on... beyond any limits, just to find out who we truly are, what can we do, for how long, what are the principles that guide us, what are the priorities... and finally... at some point on that road, you managed to understand that finding yourself isn't easy, but it is not impossible. And finding yourself isn't the ultimate thing. After finding yourself ... well, my friend, that's just the beginning of your journey. The sooner you understand who you are, the better; because that's the exact moment when you start working on what you want to be!

And this should be a happy story ... isn't it? Odd thing, it isn't! just when you figure it all out: who you are, what are you supposed to do next, you wake up one morning and watch yourself in the mirror and the person smiling (or not!) back at you, isn't you! Oh, the questions! But, how? Where? When? Who? Why?

You stare long to the reflected image and all you can do is watch how parts of you are missing. YOU ARE FADING AWAY!


Un comentariu:

  1. This is who we are:) alergam in viata dupa lucruri, sa facem, sa fim cineva, sa avem ceva .. sa ne realizam, sa ne dam seama cine suntem cu adevarat ... in ochii nostrii, sa nu dezamagim pe altzii si cand ne analizam mai bine ... ne dam seama ca a trecut atata timp de cand nu te-ai mai gandit cu adevarat la tine .... la ceea ce vrei cu adevarat pentru tine.
    Era intrebarea aia "What defines us?"
    unul dintre raspunsuri a fost:
    "Our evolving intelligence has defined us through thousands of years.
    Our conscience as well, for it is there to discern what to do, how to think, how to act.
    Our lethargy defines us, as does our participation as to issues in life which affect us.
    Our actions and reactions define us.
    Our religion, or absence of religion defines us.
    Our communication skills define us.
    Our technology defines us.
    Our ignorance, stupidity, prejudice define us.
    Our relation to our own kind and to other living creature defines us.
    Our respect or disrespect define us.
    What we do, adds to making us what we are. What we don't do as well.
    Our morality or lack of, is a product of our examining conscience.
    There is much more, but our result as to who we may be, in dependent on the few things above."

    Suntem aici pe pamant sa invatam .... sa crestem, sa fim pregatiti .... sa ne maturizam, ... si odata cu aceastea ... dispare si acea lucire care o avem la inceput ... :) ne sifonam :) si cum ziceai u ... :) bucati din noi dispar ... nu mai sunt ... dar cred si sunt sigur de asta ... odata ce umbli cu Isus ... El iti umple aceste goluri cu ce are mai bun ...

    Imi vine in minte prezentarea aia in power point cu inima tanarului frumoasa si curata si neatinsa de nimeni si nimic si cum se lauda el ... :) si .... inima batranelului ... toata botzita si cu bucati lipsa ...

    Eh ... sunt multe ...
