Şi pentru că mi se părea absurd să nu poţi dormi, oricum, oricunde. Voila!!! Insomnie din nou!
Am un obicei. E unul din obiceiurile vechi pe care nu insist sa-l schimb (am altele care ar putea urca în cap de listă): când sunt pe stradă obişnuiesc să studiez oamenii pe lângă care trec. Dintr-o singură privire poţi primi o lecţie de viaţă.
Vreau să vă "arat" şi vouă două din imaginile ce îmi vor rămâne mereu întipărite în minte:
1. Dimineaţa, prea devreme pentru mine, zăpadă mare, frig. Un 46B prea aglomerat şi eu lipită de geam. Exact locul meu preferat. Urcând Calea Turzii trecem pe lângă cimitir. La unul din morminte, un bătrân de mână cu un copil! Efectiv am rămas fără cuvinte - mintea mea nu putea procesa informaţiile primite din exterior. Era nici 8 dimineaţa, un frig de crăpau şi pietrele. Ce căuta acolo un bătrân cu un copil?
Nu ştiu. Dar mi-am spus că trebuie să fi fost o persoană tare specială ...
2. În drum spre muncă, din nou un troleu mai plin decât mi-ar fi plăcut mie. La o trecere de pietoni un bătrânel sprinten traversa de zor. La un moment dat s-a oprit şi s-a întors. În spatele lui agale, venea o bătrânică. Bătrânelul s-a apropiat de ea şi a luat-o de mână. Împreună, în pas de plimbare, au traversat strada (spre enervarea şoferilor din trafic!!!) Pentru ei ... nu mai era nicio grabă!
Inevitabil mă gândesc că lumea ar fi un loc mult mai bun dacă fiecare am avea pe cineva care să ne ia de mână când ne e greu!
Sunt convinsă că mulţi aţi surprins asemenea imagini. Înţelept ar fi să tragem o învăţătură şi să mergem mai departe! O noapte bună vă doresc!
luni, 29 august 2011
miercuri, 24 august 2011
Usual - Dreams
We live our day by day life trying to keep out all the unexpected. We make plans, we write down schedules, we keep an eye on the clock. Up in the morning same time, quick ride to the office, end of the day ... maybe a movie or a chat with a friend. That's it!
What happened to all the dreams as kids? What happened to flying to the moon, or becoming a famous doctor/lawyer/actor/writer? What happened to your "TO DO LIST"? I remember when I was in college (and I know this sounds veeeeeeeeery old - so I might just as well change it to "few years ago") me and the girls I was living with had a TO DO LIST stuck on the fridge. Just stuff like: going to the theater, visiting some city we've never been to, attending a lawsuit, dressing like Arabic women and others. But this list remind us every day that we need to do something exciting with our lives.
Youth is said to be daring. We should always have a TO DO LIST out of the ordinary. We cannot live our lives just like usual!
Life it's pretty extraordinary.
Unfortunately, my TO DO LIST of today is: GET HOME, GO TO BED! - sad, I know. But I still have dreams. I still think I can read all the books I want, listen to all the music I gathered in my computer, take all the walks (although I am not a walking-kind of a person), visit all those places ... I still hope I can do something amazing with my life.
I guess I didn't put down on paper all my dreams ... because once on a TO DO LIST I would have to push myself further on to fulfill my dreams. And what if I don't make it? What if I betray my dream and let myself down? :)
I used to be optimistic. I used to think that I can do whatever I wanted! I might just as well write down that TO DO LIST and every day I see it I will remember that LIFE IS EXTRAORDINARY and you can only live once!
And on another hand, AMAZING things are ready to happen to whoever dares and steps outside the comfort line!
What happened to all the dreams as kids? What happened to flying to the moon, or becoming a famous doctor/lawyer/actor/writer? What happened to your "TO DO LIST"? I remember when I was in college (and I know this sounds veeeeeeeeery old - so I might just as well change it to "few years ago") me and the girls I was living with had a TO DO LIST stuck on the fridge. Just stuff like: going to the theater, visiting some city we've never been to, attending a lawsuit, dressing like Arabic women and others. But this list remind us every day that we need to do something exciting with our lives.
Youth is said to be daring. We should always have a TO DO LIST out of the ordinary. We cannot live our lives just like usual!
Life it's pretty extraordinary.
Unfortunately, my TO DO LIST of today is: GET HOME, GO TO BED! - sad, I know. But I still have dreams. I still think I can read all the books I want, listen to all the music I gathered in my computer, take all the walks (although I am not a walking-kind of a person), visit all those places ... I still hope I can do something amazing with my life.
I guess I didn't put down on paper all my dreams ... because once on a TO DO LIST I would have to push myself further on to fulfill my dreams. And what if I don't make it? What if I betray my dream and let myself down? :)
I used to be optimistic. I used to think that I can do whatever I wanted! I might just as well write down that TO DO LIST and every day I see it I will remember that LIFE IS EXTRAORDINARY and you can only live once!
And on another hand, AMAZING things are ready to happen to whoever dares and steps outside the comfort line!
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