We talk about colour and normally colour is what gives another view to our world. We really need to admit that black&white wouldn’t have made such a great combination when talking about world! But (and here comes the first big BUT of this story), colour is what makes the differences. I did not say the difference, but the differences! We got to look to the colour of our skin, to the colour of our money, to the colour of our intellect, to the colour of our political views. The greatest barrier ever was created by colours!
For centuries people have tried to push or even eliminate these differences given by our colour. Still we are marked forever by our colour. As hard as we try, we are always white or black, poor or rich, smart or less equipped, republican, democrat or any other political view. This entire society is ruled by the colours.
But (this is my second BUT of the story), even worst then letting ourselves driven by colours in this society is that we let colours drive us inside the Church. Church is supposed to be the Body of Jesus Christ. Church is supposed to be neutral, same for everyone regardless the colour of the skin, the political view, the height on the social ladder. We are all equals in front of the throne of Jesus...
This is how it should be, and for our parents and grandparents life was like this. For us, things have changed just a little bit. We live those days when we think we can buy our place in the church. We think that our political or social status can help us – when speaking about the salvation of our soul. I hate that we got to this! I hate that we cannot be simple and transparent. I hate that we got to fight over the colour of our Jesus.
Let me remember you: Jesus was neither white, nor black, neither rich, nor poor, neither republican, nor democrat ... He was, He is, He will always be the only way to be saved! We can stay and fight, we can try to buy the comfortable seat, we can pretend we are holy, we can walk as we were saints... but all this is nothing if we do not forget about colours and just let Jesus see Himself in our lives!
Jesus has no colour!